“Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth—in a word, to know himself.”

— Fides et Ratio

Mission and Vision

The mission of Cardinal Kung Academy is to support parents in their role as primary educators of their children by providing a rigorous Catholic classical education at a reasonable cost.

The Cardinal Kung Academy graduate will prize truth and excellence. He or she will be well-prepared to succeed in post-secondary studies and, being able to articulate and defend the tenets of the Catholic Faith, will be ready to live an authentic life in Christ.


The future graduate will be a joyous ambassador of the Faith, bringing excellence and joy to his or her future field and vocation, as well as charity and service to those in need.



While the immediate goal of the school is to prepare students for college, the larger mission is to form them for a robustly intellectual and spiritual Catholic life rooted in joy, with the ultimate goal of eternal beatitude with God in Heaven.

The school therefore aims to educate the whole person; it seeks to form students who can think clearly and argue persuasively as they grow in faith and virtue and who will respond with joy to life’s gifts and challenges.


This requires a solid intellectual foundation that provides the tools to navigate the world of ideas and to understand and defend the Faith. It also requires a strong spiritual formation that fosters a desire to live in accordance with the precepts of the Church. 



The curriculum is integrated; students read original texts and hold discussions in seminar-style classes as much as possible. History is read chronologically and in complement with the other disciplines of that academic year. Equal importance is given to the intellectual conversation of antiquity and medieval times as necessary for understanding the progression and influence of thought in modern times. Latin is required due to its prominence in language, science and theology, as well as the analytical abilities its study develops.


Rigorous writing and clear reasoning, as the tools of Rhetoric, are made paramount. Religion is taught in complete fidelity to the Magisterium. The students read scripture, become acquainted with the writings of the Church Fathers, and grow in understanding of the Church’s precepts. This intellectual maturation allows for growth of the theological virtues: as students grow in understanding, they may also grow in charity.


Parental Responsibility

The education of children is, first, the responsibility of their parents. Parents have the right and the duty to educate their children and to choose a school that best fits the needs of their family.



Any and all students seeking a Catholic classical education, who are capable of doing the work, should have access to that formation, regardless of financial means.


To this end, the Board of Directors is committed to keeping tuition at affordable levels and to devoting fundraising efforts to provide families of limited means access to the type of education provided by the school.


The Role of Technology

Student use of technology is limited on campus in order to encourage focus on studies, ensure intellectual honesty, and develop healthy social and academic relationships among the school community. Student use of cellphones, laptops and all web-enabled devices are prohibited on campus.


The appropriate use of technology for research, papers, presentations, science calculations and electronic communication is encouraged outside of school hours.